The role of the expert in the ComInTime method
With the same and unique goal of helping you improve your communication and/or familiarize yourself with the fundamentals of this field, we recently introduced the roles in the ComInTime method.

Our solution, which relies on an ergonomic and easy-to-use application, a method to help you better structure your communication strategy, and personalized assistance from a professional, indeed includes the assignment of specific roles within your team. These roles include the idea generator, the communicator, and the manager: assigning precise roles linked to the specific skills of your team members allows you to optimize your work time and streamline your communication actions. However, these three roles are not the only ones designated during the support workshops offered in the method: the professional offering assistance in the proposed service is none other than the expert. In this article, after recalling the difficulties you may encounter when communicating independently, we will present the skills and benefits of this role, and how you can benefit from it.
The challenges of communicating independently
Lack of motivation and difficulty establishing a rhythm in your communication
Many companies communicating online do not necessarily have a professional communicator or a communication service within their team. Even though they understand the importance of communicating nowadays and have a genuine desire to develop their communication effectively and relevantly, they may sometimes not fully grasp the fundamentals of this field and make novice mistakes that hinder their actions. Many factors can disrupt this desire for improvement, starting with the difficulty of maintaining motivation in the undertaken actions. When you communicate without necessarily taking the time to establish and determine the key elements constituting the fundamentals of this field, your actions may sometimes not meet your expectations, without necessarily knowing why. The lack of defining your goals, targets, the media you wish to communicate on, and the messages you want to convey can lead to demotivation and consequently irregularity in your actions. Remember that in communication, maintaining a consistent rhythm is crucial!
Fear of doing wrong and unanswered questions
If your content does not follow a clear and defined strategy and you start feeling demotivated, your actions may then decrease in quantity out of fear of making mistakes, not knowing what topic(s) to communicate on or which photo to publish... In short, communicating for nothing. By skipping the crucial steps of defining and structuring a communication strategy within your company and understood by all your collaborators, and adhering to the fundamentals of communication, it is highly likely that your posts will achieve no goal and get lost in the depths of social networks. These failures can also lead you to question yourself and pose many unanswered questions: why are my posts not generating any engagement? Why is my communication not improving? And many more. Conversely, if you start by questioning your communication goals, target audience, the most appropriate media for your company, and the messages to convey to your audience, some of your questions might then find answers. Self-reflection is often necessary to identify the problems encountered and try not to make these mistakes again, eventually succeeding in progressing in the desired direction.
Struggling to see results from your communication
Ultimately, without taking the time to familiarize yourself with the fundamentals of communication, no communication strategy can be clearly defined, structured, and understood by all within your company. However, this strategy could serve as a guide for your undertaken actions: if it remains nonexistent or poorly developed, it is normal that your communication will not achieve the success you imagined. Additionally, without these steps, you will never be able to analyze the results of your actions or measure the impact of your posts on social media in relation to your audience, which is crucial. It is then time to ask the right questions and find solutions to these problems. In this sense, the ComInTime method offers its clients the services of a trained expert who understands their issues, to guide and support them in this progress. Beyond the many advantages of seeking their assistance (which we will present later), the expert provides a fresh and external perspective on your work and offers answers to your questions in this field. They put their skills and experience at your service to provide a framework and structure, and never communicate instinctively again.
The advantages of being accompanied by an expert
Training in the fundamentals of communication
By seeking the help of your expert, you will revisit the basics of communication together, essential for anticipating future events. The ComInTime method offers four strategic workshops during which you will work with your personal expert to define the communication goals you want to achieve, the target audiences you want to address, the messages you would like to convey to them, and the media on which you could communicate without hindering yourself. In addition to reviewing these fundamentals, you will give yourself all the means to better understand the challenges of the field and distinguish the differentiating points that were causing you problems. If venturing into strategic workshops independently can sometimes be a lengthy task when your knowledge of communication is limited, your ComInTime expert's mission is to train you in these fundamentals and enable you to apply them effectively and relevantly to your company. Beyond facilitating these workshops, they are mainly present to give you a certain framework and accompany you in defining and understanding the fundamentals of communication.
Benefit from informed advice from your dedicated expert (and seek their help for content creation)
Your ComInTime expert has been selected to meet your expectations and understand your work environment! This digital world professional has extensive experience in supporting companies, and their communication skills are proven. With their external perspective and perfect knowledge of your activity (especially thanks to the strategic workshops they accompanied you in), they answer your daily questions and guide you in your strategic choices. Furthermore, communication is a vast field encompassing a wide range of professions. So, when you communicate independently, without outsourcing to an agency, certain skills may be lacking in your team. Your expert can then intervene "on-demand" and offer additional services to the ComInTime method: specific communication plans, event planning, visual creation, photo editing, writing... Beyond their own skills, your expert also has a qualified network and will know how to direct you to other competent professionals, always with the aim of providing you with all the necessary resources to improve your communication.
Maintaining a consistent rhythm throughout the year
As explained in the first part, it is often challenging to maintain a certain imposed rhythm when communicating. Between the constantly evolving algorithms of social networks and the work rhythms that companies may experience internally, communicating regularly and effectively can become a real challenge, even when the fundamentals of the field are acquired. Thus, the benefits of the ComInTime solution are measured in the long term, and the method knows how complicated it is to remain consistent throughout the year while facing these constraints. Ensuring the proper implementation of the method, the expert ensures that rituals are well respected and that companies follow the framework and structure of their communication actions. They are aware that ritualizing these processes is crucial for communicating more effectively. During the quarterly retrospectives also offered in the method, they help the communication team to work better, both operationally and organizationally. Thanks to them, the communication strategy is always aligned with the company's strategy, the communication team remains motivated, and improves in the long term!
How to contact an expert?
Who are our experts?
While this role in the ComInTime method requires real communication skills and an openness to the various issues that current companies may encounter, anyone with a certain interest in communication can aspire to become an expert. Indeed, the expert must be trained in the ComInTime method to understand all the challenges of this role. Once trained and mastering the fundamentals of the solution, they can offer their help to any type of company. Your expert can be an external person to your organization, introduced by ComInTime, or one of your communication professionals. The only essential factor is understanding and accurately applying the ComInTime method to help you progress faster and more relevantly in your communication. Thus, these experts are carefully selected based on their experience and skills to perfectly meet your organization and needs. Like an outsourced communication director, your ComInTime expert will quickly become your communication reference, providing you with all the necessary keys to significantly improve your communication.
The matching process
To provide you with the relevant help of a method expert, ComInTime offers a questionnaire on its website for clients and potential experts. This setup allows everyone to get to know each other better, including the future expert's experience, digital presence, knowledge level regarding communication strategy, skills, geographic location, and motivations. Clients can specify their industry, perceived communication needs, and expectations regarding the solution. This approach embodies the concept of "matching." ComInTime aims to connect experts and clients whose goals, values and expectations align. By completing this form, the solution offers clients professional opportunities that perfectly match their skills and ambitions.
A long-term partnership
Our primary goal in implementing this role system within the method, particularly the assistance of a matched expert, is to create lasting and trusting relationships between them. To improve communication by understanding the mistakes made and becoming more familiar with the field of communication and its fundamentals, it is essential to assign relevant experts to companies whose values coincide with theirs. Thus, the assigned expert knows their client well and vice versa, always being called upon at the right time to gain efficiency. It's not just about progressing in the first few months and then no longer seeking the expert's help, but about building a long-term relationship and staying motivated to continue adhering to the company's communication strategy and progressing in the best way in the field. These issues have been carefully considered by ComInTime to offer its clients a truly structured and effective method, allowing them to improve and see the results for themselves!
In summary, the expert's role in the ComInTime method remains essential for many companies wishing to improve their communication significantly without necessarily having all the necessary resources to contribute. This support will allow them to define the field's fundamentals, familiarize themselves with them, or learn to know them, and ensure that their communication actions remain aligned with the pre-established communication strategy. Through the method's strategic workshops and long-term rhythm tracking, companies that wish can move forward hand in hand with their dedicated expert towards increased visibility and better communication on their social networks.