The application

Our tool: your daily communication coach!

Being present on social media or having a website well referenced by search engines needs of regularity. And this should not be at the expense of the quality of your publications! It is a real challenge, and this is why ComInTime was created: coach you to achieve your goals and ensure that they are sustainable over time. 

Master your communication strategy

Master your communication strategy

A simple interface allows you to monitor the different key elements of your communication. 

✅ Adjust and prioritize your goals  

✅ Identify your targets and bring them to life using personas 

✅ List your social networks and media, from the most traditional to the most digital 

✅ Check your editorial lines by media  

Find inspiration quickly

Find inspiration quickly

✨ Find topics by based on the mapping of your activity

✨ Get your employees involved with the idea launcher

✨ Follow the indicators regularly to vary the topics

Don’t get lost in your communication!

Don’t get lost in your communication!

Before writing, check if the chosen focus is consistent with your strategy! Depending on your goal, ComInTime guides you towards:

👉 The right target

👉 The right message to convey

👉 The tone to adopt

👉 Which media to publish on… There is no possible mistake! 

Save time creating your content

Save time creating your content

✅ ComInTime suggests you several content frameworks in line with your strategy

✅ Plan your content on time

✅ Connect your social networks and publish automatically

Assess your ability to achieve your goals and hold the course!

Assess your ability to achieve your goals and hold the course!

🎯 Analyse your work on each of your media for a given period

🎯 Compare your efforts with the engagement rates of your publications

🎯 Adjust the rate at which messages are delivered, and so goals to achieve