
Terms of use

The website and the application are edited by the SARL WEB&DESIGN with a capital of 7840€ RCS Belfort 502 588 882 00022, code APE 6201Z.

4 avenue Carnot
25200 Montbéliard
Tel. 03 92 25 10 00

Directeur of publication :
Guillaume DOBBELS

Responsible for redaction:

The growth is covered by the IKOULA society
RCS Nanterre B 417 680 618
TVA Intracommunication FR37417680618
175-177 rue d'Aguesseau
92100 Boulogne Billancourt - France

Telephone: +33 (0) 1 84 01 02 50
Telephone: +33 (0) 1 84 01 02 50

Droit applicable
The site, the application the previous conditions generally set the prices in France and entered them in France.
WEB&DESIGN will reserve the modification of the previous mentions at this moment. The user will engage in consulting the device.

Intellectual property
The website, the application is based on the Esprit protection policies of the French and international languages in the world on the internet. And the intellectual property, littéraire and artistry and other similar drawings. The components of these components are not limited to, but are not limited to, brands, models, logos, images, texts, sons and other documents that are protected by the Intellectual Property.
This name, the ComInTime brand is protected by its predecessors. Ainsi tout diffusion, copy, duplication, modification, transfert, représentation or reproduction, intégrale or partielle, on the site or on the content of the elements of the composition, the manière and the same title, it is an intermediary expression. What's the difference? The non-respect of this interaction is susceptible to constituting a conflicting act that engages the responsiveness of his son.