to achieve your goals

We improve your communication through a pragmatic software tool and a structured method delivered by your personal expert.

Our mission

Avoid communication traps on social media

Publish without purpose

Have you ever wondered why do you communicate on social networks ?

Lose your motivation

A lack of vision leads to demotivation, demotivation leads to irregularity and your communication suffers as a result ! 

Lack of inspiration

Have you ever struggled to come up with content ideas to keep pace with the algorithms

Waste your time

Have you ever been able to assess your ability to achieve your goals ?  

Our solution

A structured method that guides you…

A service

A dedicated expert who helps you defining and following your strategy. 

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Quarterly meetings
Content suggestion
Strategic workshops
Automatic publishing

An application

A software tool that coaches you daily and makes you more self-sufficient. 

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Advantages of ComInTime

Tools at the service of our method

Get help

Our experts also assist you in content creation

Your ComInTime expert can also support you create your own content! Thanks to his in-depth knowledge of your company and his privileged relationship with your team, your personal expert will be able to produce visuals, edit a video or write a blog article from time to time.

His/her mission is not to create all content creation, because our experience has shown us that your team is best suited for this! However, the support of a communications professional is sometimes necessary and our method allows this complementarity.


Put in into practice today!

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