On Mar 28, 2024

ComInTime’s 6 tips for creating relevant visuals on your social networks! (level 1)

When delving into the expansive realm of communication, numerous codes await exploration and mastery to craft an effective online strategy. Defining objectives, targeting audiences, and tailoring messages to social platforms are crucial steps for robust communication. Yet, even after grasping these fundamentals, captivating audience attention remains a challenge. 

ComInTime’s 6 tips for creating relevant visuals on your social networks! (level 1)

The visual quality of publications plays a pivotal role as it serves as the initial contact point with the audience. Thus, giving equal weight to graphic quality and copywriting is paramount. However, mastering the art of visual creation, especially for beginners, may seem daunting if not impossible...

ComInTime offers six tips to aid in producing effective visuals for your social networks!

Tip #1: Tailor visual dimensions to the social network 📏

While seemingly obvious, many overlook this first tip to their detriment. When posting on social networks, a golden rule applies: size matters. Each platform has its preferred image dimensions and disregarding them can cost you in engagement and visibility. By selecting the right image size, you ensure your content is optimally presented on each platform, potentially increasing audience engagement. For instance, Instagram favors square images, while Facebook and LinkedIn prefer landscape or rectangular formats, each adhering to specific dimensions, allowing you to tailor your posts accordingly.

Tip #2: Prioritize the power of natural imagery whenever possible 📸

An authentic, high-quality photo, even taken with a phone, can significantly enhance your message. If you're new to online content production and struggle with visual inspiration, don't hesitate to use basic means to best convey your message. A genuine representation of something or someone you wish to highlight in your post often garners initial attention, as it's easier to relate to a photograph than an infographic. However, if original photography isn't within your grasp or seems challenging to execute, fret not—subsequent tips are here to guide you toward other options!

Tip #3: Limit color usage to 2 or 3 maximum (preferably complementary ones 😉)

Color choices shouldn't be arbitrary. They play a crucial role in visual perception, conveying emotions and messages. The human eye is highly sensitive to colors in visuals. Poor color combinations can render your content incoherent, compromising your message integrity, and risking audience disinterest. Conversely, creating harmony using thoughtful and relevant color palettes reinforces your message impact, making your audience more inclined to find value in your visuals.

Tip #4: Write with appropriate typography ✍️

Visual harmony is essential, and so is typographic harmony! Just as the placement of elements on your visual matters, using too many font styles can make your message diffuse and your post ineffective. Limit the number of fonts used to one or two and ensure their readability to avoid confusion among your audience. Moreover, opting for simple and clear typography can enhance engagement and comprehension of the subjects you post on your social networks while maintaining consistency with your desired image.

Tip #5: Organize titles logically 📶

The arrangement of elements in your visual influences message reception. If you place all your information in the same spot and size, your audience won't know which message you're trying to convey, let alone which element to grasp first. Prioritize alignment and visual hierarchy to guide your readers' gaze, following a specific flow such as the Z-pattern reading to create a logical and smooth visual narrative. This allows your audience to better grasp your content's subject and directs attention to the most important elements.

Tip #6: Utilize user-friendly tools available: embrace them! 🖥

There's a plethora of online tools catering to various skill levels to aid in producing quality visuals aligned with your content. These tools can be invaluable aids for beginners in communication, helping overcome creative blocks, inspiring, and developing aesthetic sensibilities. Hence, when starting out, software like Canva, Adobe Spark, or even PowerPoint can be extremely helpful in creating attractive visuals without requiring extensive graphic design skills. Make use of these resources to produce visually captivating content that effectively captures attention and conveys your message while allowing for easy and rapid improvement.

By following these simple tips, even communication novices can create appealing and effective visuals for social networks. Don't hesitate to experiment and find what works best for your brand. With some practice and creativity, you'll be able to captivate your audience and strengthen your online presence. ComInTime is committed to supporting you in this endeavor by connecting you with visual communication professionals who can turn your vision into reality.