The service

Our method: your personal expert guides you from theory to practice

All too often, a company’s communication strategy lies forgotten at the back of a drawer, or worse still, has never been formalized. Thanks to ComInTime’s service, draw up your communication strategy with the help of our experts, but above all make sure you follow it over time and ensure that it evolves in line with your corporate strategy. 

Clarify your communication strategy thanks to our co-construction workshops

Clarify your communication strategy thanks to our co-construction workshops

Your communication strategy aims to achieve your objectives effectively while optimizing your efforts and the cost of this expenditure.

Our pedagogical and educational workshops will enable you to:  

✅ Present your context, your job and your company 

✅ Discover communication’s fundamentals applied to your business 

✅ Define the pillars of your communications strategy: goals, targets, media, messages… 

Our goal? To ensure that you understand the basics of communication and that the expert understands your challenges so that he can better support you in defining your strategy. 

Easily transform your communication strategy into a concrete action plan

Easily transform your communication strategy into a concrete action plan

Communication strategy should not be a simple document stored in a drawer: it must be operational and guide the work of the communicator.

ComInTime transforms theory in a concrete and progressive action plan based on your strategy. It constantly reminds you why and how communicate each time you create content, specifying your audience, your message, the tone to adopt, and the appropriate media.

Thanks to ComInTime application, no error is possible! 

Progress with your expert throughout the year

Progress with your expert throughout the year

To achieve your goals, key is regularity, monitoring and continuous improvement.

Our experts are here to guide you over time, and our offer includes quarterly updates based on the method, and an annual meeting.

These rituals will help you to: 

✅ Adjust your communication strategy 

✅ Analyse the work and advise 

✅ Identify difficulties in terms of content production  

✅ Coach to set the rhythm, inspire and challenge  

✅ Identify the limits of the tool applied to your structure, evolving our service  

Need of extra support? Our expert will help you on request!

Need of extra support? Our expert will help you on request!

We know how difficult it is to keep up with the rhythm when you want to communicate on a more regular way. Moreover, the challenge becomes harder to take up when certain communication actions require the services of a graphic designer or a copywriter.

With our dedicated expert that perfectly knows you, you will never have to worry about it again! He can occur at any time, whether during busy periods or when you are short of time, taking charge of various technical aspects such as copywriting, image retouching, computer graphics etc…