On Feb 29, 2024

How does ComInTime use AI to create relevant content?

AI, Chat GPT, OpenAI, Perplexity… In today’s world, it is impossible not to have heard about the fascinating technology that is artificial intelligence!

Even if people have often wondered about its operation, or even been worried, AI has become accessible to the public in recent years. Today, there is a myriad of applications (both free and paid) based on this process, with user-friendly interfaces. 

How does ComInTime use AI to create relevant content?

In fact, we often use the term "ChatGPT" to refer to artificial intelligence, as it's one of the most used applications. However, it's important not to confuse the term artificial intelligence with specific software that relies on it.

In this article, we will trace the origins of artificial intelligence and its unprecedented impact on our world. We will then address the limitations of its use and conclude by highlighting the winning combination of AI and ComInTime (you won't believe it!).



The digital world transformed by AI

The origins of artificial intelligence...

Since its humble beginnings, AI has come a long way. Initially, in the 1950s, researchers like Alan Turing laid the foundations for computational thinking and the possibility of simulating human intelligence through machines. They later focused on specific tasks such as solving logical problems or recognizing simple patterns. However, with technological advancements and the emergence of new computing paradigms, AI has experienced exponential growth. Today, techniques such as deep neural networks have enabled major advances in fields like computer vision, natural language processing, and machine learning.

The pros and cons of this technology

The advent of AI has elicited diverse reactions within society. On one hand, many individuals see it as a powerful tool for simplifying and automating tasks, especially in content creation. On the other hand, voices are raised expressing concerns about the potential substitution of traditional jobs by intelligent machines and the potential dehumanization of social interactions. This debate underscores the need for serious consideration to ensure that this technology is used responsibly and in the service of the common good. It's essential to strike a balance between the benefits of AI in terms of efficiency and productivity and legitimate concerns about its impact on employment and society.

How can communicators harness AI?

The integration of AI represents a true revolution for many industries, including communication. Communicators now could harness this technology to optimize their time, increase productivity, and refine their content strategy. With tools like ChatGPT, they can generate creative ideas, write content efficiently and precisely, all while maintaining a human and strategic approach. However, prudent and consistent use is required to achieve the desired result, as artificial intelligence may not be as straightforward to master as claimed.


The limits of artificial intelligence in content creation

Crafting an effective prompt: key rules to know

Although artificial intelligence can significantly expedite the content creation process, it's crucial to understand that its performance largely depends on the quality of the initial prompt. In other words, crafting an effective prompt is essential to ensure the relevance and quality of the generated content. This involves carefully choosing keywords, formulating clear and precise directives, and providing enough context to guide AI in the right direction. A poorly crafted prompt can lead to the production of content that lacks coherence, relevance, or fails to adequately meet communication objectives, thus compromising the effectiveness of the content strategy.

Identifying AI-generated content: how to recognize it?

AI-generated content is often distinguished by its rapid production. However, this speed can sometimes come at the expense of quality and relevance. While AI can process and produce massive amounts of content in record time, it may sometimes lack contextual understanding, resulting in content that doesn't fully align with the initial idea or communication objectives. Therefore, it's essential for users to step back and carefully evaluate the quality and relevance of the generated content, considering its coherence with the overall communication strategy.

Making AI an expert in a field: utopia or reality?

Despite its impressive advances, artificial intelligence often struggles to capture the essence of human creativity. AI-generated content may lack emotion, personality, and authenticity, distancing itself from the emotional impact and human connection that human-written content can provide. Furthermore, while AI can effectively process data and information, it may struggle to interpret and integrate subtle nuances, cultural references, or domain-specific contextual elements. Its lack of knowledge in technical subjects can also hinder the final output, especially for niche products or skills in sectors like industry. It won't have enough insight or knowledge on such subjects to produce relevant content according to demand. Thus, while the idea of making AI an expert in a specific field may seem appealing, it's important to recognize that this remains a complex challenge and that a human touch remains essential to ensure the quality, relevance, and emotional impact of generated content.


ComInTime and AI: ally for a better communication

An unexpected encounter

In its early days, ComInTime hadn't considered integrating artificial intelligence into its application. It primarily focused on developing a content creation aid tool in line with strategy: AI wasn't part of the solution at that time. However, over time, as technological advancements became more prevalent, ComInTime realized the immense potential of its data (communication objectives, persona, editorial line, etc.) for AI. This realization marked the beginning of a new era for ComInTime, where the integration of AI became a real advantage in offering an even more effective and relevant experience to its users in writing their content.

The added value of ComInTime for artificial intelligence

The integration of AI into ComInTime has brought significant added value to the platform. Thanks to auto-generated prompts based on user-provided data, ComInTime can now align the produced content with pre-defined communication objectives. This approach ensures that the generated content perfectly matches the user's communication strategy while offering original and specific suggestions in a short amount of time. Moreover, ComInTime can now align the produced content with communication objectives and tailor its discourse to the previously defined persona. Thus, ComInTime users benefit from a comprehensive and effective solution that enables them to produce relevant and quality content in minimal time.

Verdict: are the objectives achieved?

By using ComInTime's AI assistant wisely and crafting quality prompts, communicators can truly achieve their communication objectives. The generated content fully aligns with their strategy and helps strengthen their online presence and impact. By offering a solution that combines human expertise with the power of AI, ComInTime simplifies the content writing process and enables its users to optimize their time and resources for remarkable results.


In conclusion, artificial intelligence offers valuable opportunities for digital communication, but its effectiveness closely depends on human intervention. Crafting intelligent prompts and understanding these tools are essential human skills to fully exploit AI's potential. By judiciously combining human expertise with AI power, ComInTime enables communicators to optimize their time and successfully achieve their goals in an ever-evolving digital world.