On Dec 22, 2023

Greetings and communication strategy : your real good resolution for 2024 !

The year-end festivities are fast approaching, and as a committed business, it's time to contemplate how you can forge stronger connections with your audience !

Greetings and communication strategy : your real good resolution for 2024 !

Wishing a Happy New Year on social media can be much more than a mere formality: it's a strategic opportunity. In this article, let's explore the considerable benefits your business could derive from this practice, while providing practical advice on how to do it creatively and authentically using ComInTime!

The benefits of celebrating the New Year on social media

Positive and humanized brand image

Wishes convey a positive image of the company by demonstrating care for customers, employees, and professional networks. This strengthens the brand's reputation and credibility while creating a favorable perception among the audience. Additionally, by sharing wishes, the company can showcase its human and warm side, shaping the company's image and humanizing the brand, making it more approachable and likable.

Increased visibility and commitment

Social media allows the company to reach a broad audience by sharing its wishes, thereby increasing visibility among potential and existing clients. By wishing on social media, the company can also create a sense of community and strengthen ties with its audience. Comments, likes, and shares contribute to commitment and interaction, enabling the company to boost its audience, enhance its visibility and reach, and attract new clients and partners.

Values sharing and keeping up with current trends

Wishes provide an opportunity to share the company's values, whether in terms of social responsibility, innovation, or sustainability. This can reinforce alignment between the brand and its clients. Social media also provides a quick and effective way to stay in tune with current events and trends, allowing wishes to be adapted to reflect the significant events of the year.

3 creative ways to wish your audience

Personalized wishes video

Create a wishes video where key team members or the company's leader express warm and personal wishes. Use images from the past year, add festive music, and highlight the company's values. Take the opportunity to conclude the video by thanking collaborators and clients for their dedication and interest in the company. Videos are often more engaging and memorable for the audience, as it fosters a closer connection with the brand.

Interactive post

Opt for an interactive approach by creating a post where you ask your audience to share their own wishes or memorable moments from the year. You can also use polls, quizzes, or questions to stimulate participation. This encourages engagement and creates a sense of community.

Creative visual content

Harness the power of infographics or well-designed graphic images to convey your wishes in a visually appealing way. Integrate festive visual elements, the company logo, and short impactful messages. This type of content is easily shareable and captures the audience's attention.

Turn Your wishes into a genuine communication action with ComInTime!

Stay aligned with your objectives

ComInTime provides companies with the opportunity to align their wishes with their communication objectives. By inputting key elements such as targets, associated media, tone to adopt, and, of course, communication goals, you ensure complete coherence between your wishes and the overall vision of your company. This allows you to create messages that are not only festive but also contribute to reinforcing your brand image and achieving specific objectives.

Plan your topics to maintain your momentum

With ComInTime, planning your wishes is not limited to a simple publication. You can input and schedule your topics based on your communication goals. This ensures continuity in your communication throughout the year. By determining the themes to address, you maintain a regular rhythm, avoiding periods of silence and maximizing the impact of each message. Thus, your wishes become an integral part of a broader strategy, contributing to the construction of a constant and relevant presence on social media.

Measure and analyze your communication

ComInTime offers a crucial feature for effective communication: the ability to measure and analyze your actions. At the end of each month, evaluate the performance of your wishes based on defined objectives. Analyze engagement, impact, and adjust your approach accordingly. This ability to measure results allows you to refine your strategy over time, ensuring increasingly effective communication that aligns with your audience's expectations.

Presenting wishes on social media goes beyond a mere formality. It's a powerful strategy to strengthen relationships, increase visibility, and shape a positive image. By adopting creative approaches, your company can stand out and create lasting bonds with its audience. So, don't wait: let your wishes shine on social media and get ready for an emotionally rich new year with ComInTime!